
a) What are the technical characteristics to be met (file size...)? 

Maximum: 350 Kb, format jpg; jpeg; gif; png in capital or lower case letters. However make sure that your photos are good quality (sharpness, contrast, etc.) 18 photos can be attached to your advert. Think to diversify (lounge, bedroom, outdoor…). To put them online, choose your photos on the menu "Browse" then click on "Send".

If your photos are too large and you can't charge them, send them to us by email, we'll do it for you:

If you haven't got digital images, send us your photos on paper, as indicated in your registration (Pay option). Don't forget to attach a stamped envelope so that we can return them.


b) How can I modify my photos?

You can add a title and a description for each photo then save your modifications. All modified content is checked by L&V before being put online.


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from private and professional owners
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